Ardoch & Braco
The small villages of Ardoch and Braco are situated 8km north of Dunblane, close to the remains of Roman occupation on the Gask Ridge, one of the most complete Roman sites in Britain. The ramparts and ditches of the Ardoch Roman fort are clearly visible just north of the village.
The Ardoch and Braco in Bloom voluntary group was formed in 2002 to improve the quality of the village environment. A small but active committee, they manage the floral displays sites around the village and undertake environmental enhancements in the local Parish. They are always keen to recruit enthusiastic volunteers. To get involved or to help support the committee please e-mail
The Cock and Hen wall project
In 2022 the bloom group approached the
Association about undertaking a project to restore the 'Cock and Hen' wall at the entrance
to Braco, which was was in a very poor condition, as can be seen in the photo on the left. We agreed
that this was a very worthwhile project that would greatly enhance the local environment, so
fundraising began. Work began in 2022 with felling of old trees and demolition of unstable parts of
the old wall. Fortunately, the contractors have uncovered a large amount of stone during site
clearance and this will be reused in the restoration. Work is progressing well and we hope the
project will be complete later in 2023.
Why "Cock and Hen" (we know you're asking!!)
The name of this
style of wall comes from the use of upright coping stones on top of a wall, which stand up like a
rooster's crest. This design provides a robust and stable topping for walls.
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