Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross



Crieff is a bustling country town set in magnificent Perthshire scenery. Situated 18 miles west of Perth, it straddles the Highland Boundary Fault where the rolling Lowland landscape meets majestic Highland terrain. The town was the main cattle trading centre in Scotland between the 16th and 18th centuries. Drovers, and up to 30,000 black cattle, would converge on the huge livestock market.

The voluntary group Crieff in Leaf was set up in 1994 to clean up and brighten up the local environment. Volunteers have completed many environmental projects, including improvements to the War Memorial, Jubilee and Bridgend Gardens as well as in the floral displays in the town centre.

This small and happy group always welcomes more help. If you would like to get involved e-mail crieffleaf-cinl@yahoo.co.uk

  • About Us

    We are volunteers who work throughout the Perth and Kinross area to care for, and improve, our environment and our quality of life.
  • Local Groups

    There are 'Take a Pride' volunteers working in 50 groups right across Perth & Kinross.
  • Pride in your Community

    If your town is not yet affiliated to the Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross Campaign, please contact us and we can advise you on how to get started.

Contact Details

Pride in Perth & Kinross, c/o The Environment Service, Perth & Kinross Council, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD