Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross

Dunkeld & Birnam


The beautiful and historic communities of Dunkeld and Birnam are situated within the River Tay National Scenic Area and lie on opposite sides of the River Tay, 15 miles north of Perth. They are steeped in history, with Dunkeld Cathedral originally founded in the 9th century and remnants of the 'Birnam Wood' mentioned in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Dunkeld & Birnam in Bloom was established in 1995 to care for the local environment. A small number of volunteers, with a great support network that includes the local school, promote awareness and action from planting and litter picks to enjoying home baking on fundraising ventures.

If you would like to get involved, contact Take A Pride in P&K using the contact details at the top of this page.


  • About Us

    We are volunteers who work throughout the Perth and Kinross area to care for, and improve, our environment and our quality of life.
  • Local Groups

    There are 'Take a Pride' volunteers working in 50 groups right across Perth & Kinross.
  • Pride in your Community

    If your town is not yet affiliated to the Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross Campaign, please contact us and we can advise you on how to get started.

Contact Details

Pride in Perth & Kinross, c/o The Environment Service, Perth & Kinross Council, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD