Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross


Muthill in Bloom was formed in 1993 to improve the appearance of the village of Muthill and to help create a more attractive and environmentally friendly place to stay and visit.

With a small committee and a band of enthusiastic volunteers the group has progressed from a back garden display to the creation of eye catching floral displays throughout the village for the benefit of residents and tourists. Other community groups assisting Muthill in Bloom are the WRI, Brownies, the school as well as members of the community.

Annually, the group maintains floral displays and containers ensuring they are kept clean and tidy. Recycling is undertaken where possible. The local school and Brownies assist with the annual litter pick around the community. Muthill in Bloom has helped develop areas within the village including the church and the millennium garden and the local Rotary donated 30 heart of gold roses which were planted in Coronation Park. Fundraising events are held throughout the year ranging from whist drives, coffee mornings, community competitions etc and are all well supported

Muthill in Bloom is a successful group and always welcomes new volunteers! If you would like to get involved or find out more about us please e-mail info@prideinperthshire.co.uk

  • About Us

    We are volunteers who work throughout the Perth and Kinross area to care for, and improve, our environment and our quality of life.
  • Local Groups

    There are 'Take a Pride' volunteers working in 50 groups right across Perth & Kinross.
  • Pride in your Community

    If your town is not yet affiliated to the Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross Campaign, please contact us and we can advise you on how to get started.

Contact Details

Pride in Perth & Kinross, c/o The Environment Service, Perth & Kinross Council, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD