Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross


The medieval village of Scone grew up around a monastery and royal residence. It was abandoned in the early 19th century when the residents were removed and the new Scone Palace was built on the site by the Earl of Mansfield. The modern settlement now incorporates the village of Scone and parts of the medieval village of Old Scone. Old Scone was the historic capital of the Kingdom of Scotland used as the coronation site of the kingdom's monarchs, who sat on the 'Stone of Scone' (also known as the 'Stone of Destiny') to be crowned. A replica stone can be seen today in the grounds of Scone Palace.

The voluntary group Scone in Bloom works to improve the local environment. For more information contact us by phone or email - details at the top of this page.

  • About Us

    We are volunteers who work throughout the Perth and Kinross area to care for, and improve, our environment and our quality of life.
  • Local Groups

    There are 'Take a Pride' volunteers working in 50 groups right across Perth & Kinross.
  • Pride in your Community

    If your town is not yet affiliated to the Take a Pride in Perth & Kinross Campaign, please contact us and we can advise you on how to get started.

Contact Details

Pride in Perth & Kinross, c/o The Environment Service, Perth & Kinross Council, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD